If you like hiking in
pristine nature without anyone else around, The Western Beagle Channel (and
Southern Chile in general) is for you. With a boat, you can access a lifetime’s
worth of hiking and mountain climbing. Not only can you access remote areas, you can
spend each night in the comfort of your own bed instead of setting up a leaky
tent and eating a pot of miserable gruel.
Seno Garibaldi, Beagle Channel |
The sailing conditions are easier than The Antarctic Peninsula—there are several good
all-weather anchorages and ice is less of an issue, though some of the fjords
do get clogged with bits continually falling off the glaciers and apparentlysome
parts do freeze over in winter. Like in Antarctica, a good engine is nice to
have, though here is generally plenty of wind to sail. Going westward would typically mean a
lot of tacking through narrow canals into the prevailing westerlies.
is not as in-your-face as Antarctica. Some dolphins, whales, and seals but
birds are most prominent (including The Magellenic Penguins). Also Guanacos (llamas), foxes, beavers (not native).
Darwin passed this way almost 200 years ago
aboard the ship The Beagle, after whom the channel is named. There are no
natives left now, but many more boats than there were then.
Seno Ventisquero |
After a couple of days provisioning,
refueling, and R&R’ing, Imvubu departed Puerto Williams around 0500 January
26 (just in time it turned out, as they closed the harbor an hour later due to
strong winds). We motored westwards into 25 to 35 knots of wind (which was
sufficient for a bumpy ride even in the protected waters of The Beagle Channel)
past Ushuaia and The Argentinian border of Tierra Del Fuego. Even with Imvubu’s
powerful engine, we were only doing 3-4 knots, sometimes less. By the afternoon
we were approaching our destination and turned north into Bahia Yendegaia (one
of the few fjords adjoining The Beagle Channel that don’t have a glacier
extending all the way to the sea). We anchored in Caleta Ferrari in front of
the remains of an estancia where now live Jose and Annemie. We don’t make it
ashore till the next morning.
Jan 27. They live what most westerners
would call a Spartan existence. Jose has a fishing boat, they have some horses,
and they kill the occasional wild cow. In addition, they take the occasional
(well, probably more than occasional this time of year—there were two other
sailboats and one fishing boat anchored when we arrived) passing sailor,
horseback riding. Their communication with the outside world goes via VHF and
HF radio.
Ralf, Jenny, and I arrange to go for a
ride in the afternoon. We are joined by three guys from Punta Arenas. Two of them are on the fishing boat doing
some scientific fishing of Centolla Crab (similar to Alaskan King Crab) and the
other is here to catch some wild horses and bring them back to Punta Arenas. We
ride northward to near Glacier Stoppani. On the way back, Ralf’s saddle comes
loose and he takes a graceful tumble. Fortunately only his pride is hurt.
In the evening, we are invited for asado
(barbecue) and Centolla. We had so far been unable to buy or trade any Centolla
from the fishermen we had met because it is not currently Centolla season.
Because of the high fresh-water content of this bay, the Centolla that the
survey guys have caught would not survive in their boats circulating tanks, so
we are forced to eat the delicious creatures. Fun evening with Jose and Annemie,
the fishermen, and French tourists/sailors. Turns out the fishing boat skipper
and I have two mutual acquaintances in Punta Arenas.
January 28. 04:00 Up anchor and
continue west into the northwestern arm (Brazo Noroeste) of The Beagle Channel.
We stop at what is said to be one of the best anchorages in the area at Caleta
Olla, where we anchor with one line ashore. Two other sailboats are there but
both move on in a couple of hours. Later, a French couple we met at Caleta
Ferrari show up and we have a bbq on the beach.
Wednesday January 29. Early AM. Up anchor.
Continue west in Brazo Noroeste. Reach Seno Pia before noon. We follow the
western arm of Seno Pia to the head where two glaciers flow into the sea. We
have lunch there then head back to Brazo Noroeste and continue west to Seno
Garibaldi where we anchor by Isla Pirincho with two stern lines ashore.
Thursday we take it easy.
Fri. 31st we Depart our
anchorage and continue north to the head of Seno Garibaldi to have a look at
Ventisquero (glacer) Garibaldi. Impressive. Lots of noise (not unlike thunder)
as glacier bits drop into the sea. Back
out of the mouth of Seno Garibaldi and further west to Seno Ventisquero where
we anchor in a lovely green nook with one line ashore.
Sat Feb 1. Nice hike up the hill by our
anchorage. Grand view of the glacier and Seno Ventisquero, but not The Pacific
Ocean—gotta get higher for that. Constant sound of waterfalls, occasionally
punctuated by the thunderous cracks of the glacier calving, sea lions barking,
birds chirping. Scenery very reminiscent
of southwesternNorway.
Sun Feb 2.
AM: Up anchor. Motor to head of
Seno Ventisquero and watch glacier shedding chunks and listen to the “thunder.” Motor south and out of Seno Ventisquero.
Check in with Alcamar Timbales (one of the many Chilean Navy radio
posts—typically manned by one navy dude and his family on a one-year posting.
The Chilean Navy keeps a close eye on the boats in the area. Yachts are
supposed to check in with them via radio every day, but much of the time they
are not in VHF range, so in practice that is not expected. There are about 20
approved anchorages (though the navy is known to turn a blind eye to the
occasional yacht that strays, especially if an excuse about bad weather is
made) between The Straits Of Magellan and Cape Horn and some of the canals and
straits are totally out of bounds—in particular Canal Murray which would make
the trip from Puerto Williams to Cape Horn shorter and more pleasant).
Head through Canal Thomson, across Bahia
Cook . Fortunately it’s a calm day in the Furious Fifties and a small
groundswell is the only indication that we are exposed to the open Pacific
Ocean to the southwest. Then into Brazo Sudoeste, the southwestern arm of The
Beagle Channel. A pod of Hourglass Dolphins
ride our bowwave for a few minutes. At Punta Divide where the Beagle Channel
splits, we turn north and return to Caleta Olla and drop anchor for the
evening. I make burgers and flan for dinner.
Mon Feb 3. Motor in almost dead calm back
to Puerto Williams. The End.
PS. The previous two times at Micalvi YC in Puerto Williams I had noticed a boat with a norwegian flag that appears to have been sitting there awhile. Turns out it is Jarle Andhøy's Berserk (the latest one of 4 or maybe more). This is the one he sailed from New Zealand to The Ross Sea to search for remains of the previous Berserk which sank there in 2011. I hear it's for sale, Kari.