A wise man once said, "Perfect is the enemy
of good."
Blisters getting epoxy treatment |
Looking better |
New antifouling paint below waterline |
Polyurethane paint above waterline |
I abandoned (postponed) the plan of replacing the
through-hull fittings (where water comes in or out of the hull for engine
cooling, toilet, sink, bilge pump, etc.), but my dream of replacing the cutless
bearing was given new hope when I was able to get the
prop shaft out of the hull (made easier by the fact that I had already removed
the rudder). The old cutless bearing was quite worn and in an asymmetrical fashion, causing a lot of play in the prop shaft.
New cutless bearing |
Fortunately the boatyard a 1-minute bike ride away
had the right-sized cutless bearing in stock. While the prop shaft was out, I
decided to replace heavy-duty hose that connects the stern tube to the stuffing
box (aka stuffing gland. It is not a box or in any way rectangular) as well as
doing some work on the stuffing box (the locking nut had been stuck for a long
time, making adjustment of the stuffing box difficult. Due to access problems, I had thought this job impossible without removing
the engine, but only minor contorting was necessary to remove the four hose
clamps and pull the hose off the lip on the inside end of the stern tube (stern tube is just the hole in the hull that the cutless bearing sits in.

The stern tube has a lip on the inside end where a heavy-duty hose connects it to the stuffing box (which is the seal that keeps the water in the stern tube out of the boat, or at least mostly keeps it out).
The stern tube has a lip on the inside end where a heavy-duty hose connects it to the stuffing box (which is the seal that keeps the water in the stern tube out of the boat, or at least mostly keeps it out).
New stuffing |
If anyone is still reading at this point...who wants to sail from Norway to California with me via The Beagle Channel or The Northwest Passage?
OK, more refit: The six chain plates where the shrouds attach have been rebedded with butyl tape instead of polyurethane or polysulfide caulk. I have big hopes for this butyl tape stuff. All the other deck hardware (genoa car tracks, stanchions, windlass, handrails, etc) will also be rebedded using butyl tape. New wiring, Bla bla bla...
Twister goes back in the water April 26. Hopefully the mast will be up soon thereafter. More photos from refit.