19:39 UTC, 9 Aug 2012
62° 17' S, 56° 12' W
-17 °C, wind: 20 knots. In The Bransfield Strait, ~40 miles due north of
D'Urville Island.
We made it as far south as 62° 30' when the ice became too much to work
in (we need to be able to clear some open water behind the boat to lower
the zooplankton net), and we headed north. That was 6 hours ago. We've
been trying to make our way out of the ice since. Occasionally we find a
path with thin ice and can steam along at 6 or 7 knots, but we are soon
impeded by thicker stuff and have to back and ram to make way. As I
write this we are backing up at 2 knots. Outside it's white as far as
the eye can see. The land(sea)scape is stunning. There is a layer of
snow covering the ice, growlers, and icebergs, so if it weren't for
being on a ship, I would not think we were on the ocean. It could be
Norway in the winter except there are no trees. I'd really like to get
off the boat and play on the ice.
Wow... just incredible.