Monday, May 28, 2012

In Port Vila, Vanuatu

I dropped anchor in Port Vila, Vanuatu this morning (28 May on this
side of the dateline). Spent the night before, hove to, a few miles
offshore, waiting for daylight to enter the harbor. So not counting
the waiting for daylight, the passage took 4.5 days. I sailed off the
anchor in Lautoka and onto the anchor in Port Vila (ie didn't use the
engine)--made me feel very piratical (which is my new favorite word,
by the way). I like the vibe here. Will report shortly on the kava
which is rumored to be potent.


  1. hey lars,
    mike here... just looking at pic's of out antartica trip and came across a good one of you and i at the shacklton bar, how can i post that to you. also, i really enjoy your posts. take care.

  2. Hi Mike,
    Great to hear from you. If you could email me the pic, I'd be grateful (I just sent you an email to your hotmail account). I was bummed that AMLR didn't happen this January. Looks like I will get to go in August, though.
